Adoption of New Technology Production, Efficiency and Agrarian Relations
The book is about technology and agricultural productivity in Orissa. In order to bring about ‘Green Revolution’, new mechanical devices like irrigation, fertiliser, tractor, thresher, harvester and tubewell equipments have been put into operation. The database along with concepts and methodology have been weaved into eight comprehensive chapters and a bibliography. This work would be useful for teachers, scholars and students in India and abroad.
Adoption of New Technology Production, Efficiency and Agrarian Relations
The book is about technology and agricultural productivity in Orissa. In order to bring about ‘Green Revolution’, new mechanical devices like irrigation, fertiliser, tractor, thresher, harvester and tubewell equipments have been put into operation. The database along with concepts and methodology have been weaved into eight comprehensive chapters and a bibliography. This work would be useful for teachers, scholars and students in India and abroad.
Agricultural Geography: Issues and Applications
Thirteen essays on various facets of agricultural geography in this book highlight a great variety of problems such as classification and mapping of agricultural data, the dynamism of agricultural growth, agricultural productivity, food sufficiency, and market ability of agricultural products.
Agricultural Geography: Issues and Applications
Thirteen essays on various facets of agricultural geography in this book highlight a great variety of problems such as classification and mapping of agricultural data, the dynamism of agricultural growth, agricultural productivity, food sufficiency, and market ability of agricultural products.
Agricultural Growth and Non-Agricultural Growth Dynamics of National Development
This work is a distinguished contribution to the literature of growth and development in agricultural and nonagricultural sectors of the economy. The interrelationship and interaction among different sectors have also been highlighted.
Agricultural Growth and Non-Agricultural Growth Dynamics of National Development
This work is a distinguished contribution to the literature of growth and development in agricultural and nonagricultural sectors of the economy. The interrelationship and interaction among different sectors have also been highlighted.
Agricultural Problems in Ethiopia
This book assesses the performance and strategies followed for the development of agricultural sector during the pre and post revolutionary periods in Ethiopia and highlights various constraints to its development.
Agricultural Problems in Ethiopia
This book assesses the performance and strategies followed for the development of agricultural sector during the pre and post revolutionary periods in Ethiopia and highlights various constraints to its development.
Capital Theory and Economic Analysis
This study covers the various aspects of the theory of capital from classical to PostSraffians and traces the history of basic concepts and important controversies. The limitation of the traditional approach to multiple switching is critically examined.
Capital Theory and Economic Analysis
This study covers the various aspects of the theory of capital from classical to PostSraffians and traces the history of basic concepts and important controversies. The limitation of the traditional approach to multiple switching is critically examined.
Central Government Budget in India: an Analysis
A lucid and analytical presentation of the Union Government budgets, with there financial implications. A valuable book for economists, policy makers and legislators in identifying the problems leading to fiscal imbalance.
Central Government Budget in India: an Analysis
A lucid and analytical presentation of the Union Government budgets, with there financial implications. A valuable book for economists, policy makers and legislators in identifying the problems leading to fiscal imbalance.
Changing Face of Poverty and Globalisation
The book present the focal attention on the elimination of poverty and to reach to the purpose discusses various factors, plans and perspectives in details : various dimensions discussed by many different economist of world and the variations, analysis of the perspective in context of last five decades development experience of the other countries, Indian experience and its multiface in India. Besides, how globalisation in instrumental.
Changing Face of Poverty and Globalisation
The book present the focal attention on the elimination of poverty and to reach to the purpose discusses various factors, plans and perspectives in details : various dimensions discussed by many different economist of world and the variations, analysis of the perspective in context of last five decades development experience of the other countries, Indian experience and its multiface in India. Besides, how globalisation in instrumental.
Economic Reforms and Vital Sectors of India
A basic book for all those interested in the material life of the country and the countrymen. It focuses attention on the whole gamut of our economic problems and suggests solutions.
Economic Reforms and Vital Sectors of India
A basic book for all those interested in the material life of the country and the countrymen. It focuses attention on the whole gamut of our economic problems and suggests solutions.