Anti-Social Patterns of Begging and Beggars
The study brings forth the nature of erosion of social norms and cultural patterns among different groups of beggar who lived precariously at the margin of urban society. It also focusses on specific social, cultural and behavioural strategies by which the beggars managed to survive in their miserable socioeconomic situation.
Anti-Social Patterns of Begging and Beggars
The study brings forth the nature of erosion of social norms and cultural patterns among different groups of beggar who lived precariously at the margin of urban society. It also focusses on specific social, cultural and behavioural strategies by which the beggars managed to survive in their miserable socioeconomic situation.
Emancipation and Empowerment of Women
Women have been subjected by the society to inequality, injustice and oppression through the ages. In recent times women have absolutely been firm and determined to uproot these evils from the society. The role being played by NGOs in the upliftment of women is discussed in detail. A special chapter is devoted to the National Commission for Women for its structure, objectives, and task at hand. The burning issues include gender bias, human rights, participation in development processes, portrayal in the media and trafficking. This book provides a complete coverage of women's problems. A prized collection for all students, researchers and scholars of social sciences, social activists, voluntary organizations and general readers who are interested in having a clear idea about women's problems and their solutions.
Emancipation and Empowerment of Women
Women have been subjected by the society to inequality, injustice and oppression through the ages. In recent times women have absolutely been firm and determined to uproot these evils from the society. The role being played by NGOs in the upliftment of women is discussed in detail. A special chapter is devoted to the National Commission for Women for its structure, objectives, and task at hand. The burning issues include gender bias, human rights, participation in development processes, portrayal in the media and trafficking. This book provides a complete coverage of women's problems. A prized collection for all students, researchers and scholars of social sciences, social activists, voluntary organizations and general readers who are interested in having a clear idea about women's problems and their solutions.
Ethno-Social Conflict and National Integration
An indepth analysis of the ethnic conflict as a generic problem phenomenon besetting most plural societies and proceeds towards identifying the requirements of monitoring, predictive inference and problem solving.
Ethno-Social Conflict and National Integration
An indepth analysis of the ethnic conflict as a generic problem phenomenon besetting most plural societies and proceeds towards identifying the requirements of monitoring, predictive inference and problem solving.
Inside Gayland
Inside gayland is a satire on the law criminalizing homosexuality in India. The inappropriateness of law in this regard is highlighted as well as the absurdity of its outdatedness. An intention aimed at creating awareness in society about the unfair and unethical laws to which homosexuals are subjected to. A picture of the long path Indians have yet to have guarantee of basic rights.
Inside Gayland
Inside gayland is a satire on the law criminalizing homosexuality in India. The inappropriateness of law in this regard is highlighted as well as the absurdity of its outdatedness. An intention aimed at creating awareness in society about the unfair and unethical laws to which homosexuals are subjected to. A picture of the long path Indians have yet to have guarantee of basic rights.
Modern Sociology
The book beautifully and comprehensively deals the globalisation, urban sociology and cultural sociology in two volumes. Cities and towns have been regarded as engines of growth and civilization and have facilitated the evolution of knowledge, culture and tradition. Among these trends are globalization and rise of new technologies. The book will be of great value for sociologists, planners, politicians, researchers, students and social workers.
Modern Sociology
The book beautifully and comprehensively deals the globalisation, urban sociology and cultural sociology in two volumes. Cities and towns have been regarded as engines of growth and civilization and have facilitated the evolution of knowledge, culture and tradition. Among these trends are globalization and rise of new technologies. The book will be of great value for sociologists, planners, politicians, researchers, students and social workers.
One Billion Indian: Problems and Prospects
This book is about the socioeconomic conditions of the country, deals with all the major problems facing the country from poverty to corruption and pollution, population control, basic human rights, defence of the country, and makes attempts to create a new proper system for the functioning of the economy and the administration to sort out the chaos that we are in.
One Billion Indian: Problems and Prospects
This book is about the socioeconomic conditions of the country, deals with all the major problems facing the country from poverty to corruption and pollution, population control, basic human rights, defence of the country, and makes attempts to create a new proper system for the functioning of the economy and the administration to sort out the chaos that we are in.
Problems and Strategies of Development in the Eastern Himalaya
Eminent authors and scholars throw light on the problems and strategies of development in the eastern Himalayas and emphasise on the grassroot particupation and ecological balance, both social and biological, while formulating the strategy of development.
Problems and Strategies of Development in the Eastern Himalaya
Eminent authors and scholars throw light on the problems and strategies of development in the eastern Himalayas and emphasise on the grassroot particupation and ecological balance, both social and biological, while formulating the strategy of development.
Readings in the Sociology of the Professions
The Sociology of the Professions is an emerging subfield of Sociology. It is gradually gaining ground in India which is evident from the empirical studies conducted by Indian social scientists. The present book, Readings in the Sociology of the Professions is a testimony to this growing interest. Contributions from eminent social scientists have been included in this book. One finds a comprehensive discussion on concepts and attributes of professions and the various approaches followed in the study of the professions. Papers on field investigations are also included in the book. This is one book which includes at one place, studies of different professions such as teaching, medical, legal, social work and others mostly written in Indian context. This would facilitate the students, researchers, and teachers. The book would also be of interest to the general readers interested in understanding the normative and actual realities of the significant functionaries of the society.
Readings in the Sociology of the Professions
The Sociology of the Professions is an emerging subfield of Sociology. It is gradually gaining ground in India which is evident from the empirical studies conducted by Indian social scientists. The present book, Readings in the Sociology of the Professions is a testimony to this growing interest. Contributions from eminent social scientists have been included in this book. One finds a comprehensive discussion on concepts and attributes of professions and the various approaches followed in the study of the professions. Papers on field investigations are also included in the book. This is one book which includes at one place, studies of different professions such as teaching, medical, legal, social work and others mostly written in Indian context. This would facilitate the students, researchers, and teachers. The book would also be of interest to the general readers interested in understanding the normative and actual realities of the significant functionaries of the society.
Science in Society: Some Perspectives
This book contains twentythree articles by the distinguished specialists which bring into focus various important aspects of science in society i.e., science and spirituality, excellence, equity and information needs in science, education, peace and social development, challenge and excitement in science, intellectual property rights and alternative paradigms of development. Perspectives containing twentythree articles views science as an integral part of social activity and not as an alienated subculture.
Science in Society: Some Perspectives
This book contains twentythree articles by the distinguished specialists which bring into focus various important aspects of science in society i.e., science and spirituality, excellence, equity and information needs in science, education, peace and social development, challenge and excitement in science, intellectual property rights and alternative paradigms of development. Perspectives containing twentythree articles views science as an integral part of social activity and not as an alienated subculture.
Simple Reforms For a Better Society
This book examines Indian society and polity, analyses the reasons, and suggests some reformative measures. The issues range from lack of public civic sense to the viability of an alternative force to provide a stable government at the centre. Matters discussed include crisis of the present BJP government, Congress show, Governments, insensitivity to people and electoral that a permanent solution to political crises be found. Truly a great collection for students, researchers and enthusiasts of political science and sociology and for the common man.
Simple Reforms For a Better Society
This book examines Indian society and polity, analyses the reasons, and suggests some reformative measures. The issues range from lack of public civic sense to the viability of an alternative force to provide a stable government at the centre. Matters discussed include crisis of the present BJP government, Congress show, Governments, insensitivity to people and electoral that a permanent solution to political crises be found. Truly a great collection for students, researchers and enthusiasts of political science and sociology and for the common man.