The Indian Women: Myth and Reality
Our Knowledge of the Ineian woman continues to be quite inadequate and in some ways superficial too. The fact that issues relating t6o womken are quite vast and of bewildering complexity has greatly hampered our understanding pf the wom,enfolk. Keepig this fact in view, experts from different branches of jumanities and social sciences have attempted to focus on certain key issues concerning the Indian woman from tjhe persective of their own discipline. The book is a somewhat new venture in crossdisciplinary studies of the Indian women. As far as possible each contributor has offered an orginal account of the current dialogue on the subject covered giveing sufficient impirical or historical depth. the volume will have achieved its purpose, if it provokes the students and reserchers alike to engage in serious and concerned reflection upon the Indian woman.
The Indian Women: Myth and Reality
Our Knowledge of the Ineian woman continues to be quite inadequate and in some ways superficial too. The fact that issues relating t6o womken are quite vast and of bewildering complexity has greatly hampered our understanding pf the wom,enfolk. Keepig this fact in view, experts from different branches of jumanities and social sciences have attempted to focus on certain key issues concerning the Indian woman from tjhe persective of their own discipline. The book is a somewhat new venture in crossdisciplinary studies of the Indian women. As far as possible each contributor has offered an orginal account of the current dialogue on the subject covered giveing sufficient impirical or historical depth. the volume will have achieved its purpose, if it provokes the students and reserchers alike to engage in serious and concerned reflection upon the Indian woman.
The Making of Modern India: Rammohun Roy to Gandhi and Nehru
The regeneration of India over the century and a half from the nation building work of Raja Rammohun Roy to that of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru is a glorious chapter in the country's history. Independence was its natural culmination.
The Making of Modern India: Rammohun Roy to Gandhi and Nehru
The regeneration of India over the century and a half from the nation building work of Raja Rammohun Roy to that of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru is a glorious chapter in the country's history. Independence was its natural culmination.
The Modern Condition of Educational Thought
This study, first of its type, in a very off beat manner, is sure to be a valuable addition to books on education and related spheres. This book is highly recommendable to all teachers, educationists and other concerned.
The Modern Condition of Educational Thought
This study, first of its type, in a very off beat manner, is sure to be a valuable addition to books on education and related spheres. This book is highly recommendable to all teachers, educationists and other concerned.
The Moral Philosophy of Gandhi
Thousands of books have been published on many aspects of Gandhi. But scant justice has been done to Gandhi, by the moral scientist till today. This objective study presents the Gandhian moral concepts in a systematic, coherent and scientific way with relevant reference to Oriental and Occidental moral philosophy. Gandhi's moral ideas were relevant yesterday, are also relevant today, and these will be relevant tomorrow too because without moral values human race cannot survive.
The Moral Philosophy of Gandhi
Thousands of books have been published on many aspects of Gandhi. But scant justice has been done to Gandhi, by the moral scientist till today. This objective study presents the Gandhian moral concepts in a systematic, coherent and scientific way with relevant reference to Oriental and Occidental moral philosophy. Gandhi's moral ideas were relevant yesterday, are also relevant today, and these will be relevant tomorrow too because without moral values human race cannot survive.
The Natural History of Animals
This unique multivolume work fully covers every aspect, besides physical features of animal life: Food and Feeding, homes and dwellings, courtship and breeding, care of eggs and young foes and injuries etc. Utilitarian zoology and philosophic zoology have added a new dimension to this comprehensive study.
The Natural History of Animals
This unique multivolume work fully covers every aspect, besides physical features of animal life: Food and Feeding, homes and dwellings, courtship and breeding, care of eggs and young foes and injuries etc. Utilitarian zoology and philosophic zoology have added a new dimension to this comprehensive study.
The Natural History of Animals