Career and Counselling Education
Career counselling and education are conducted with a wide variety of individuals in diverse settings. This book provides an authoritative account of basic doctrines and theoretical principles of career counselling and education, necessary to equip the reader with the requisite insight and understanding for effective functioning in the field.
Career and Counselling Education
Career counselling and education are conducted with a wide variety of individuals in diverse settings. This book provides an authoritative account of basic doctrines and theoretical principles of career counselling and education, necessary to equip the reader with the requisite insight and understanding for effective functioning in the field.
Contemporary Education
The 21st, century striving for the development of the highest technological and informative skills in order to convert the entire world into a global village, may fail to produce a real man along with his deeprooted human values and emotional blending. The contemporary situation of educational developments is wellportrayed in the present book.Students,scholars and teachers besides academecians, administrators and policy planners will be benefited immensely by the contents of this work.
Contemporary Education
The 21st, century striving for the development of the highest technological and informative skills in order to convert the entire world into a global village, may fail to produce a real man along with his deeprooted human values and emotional blending. The contemporary situation of educational developments is wellportrayed in the present book.Students,scholars and teachers besides academecians, administrators and policy planners will be benefited immensely by the contents of this work.
Crisis in Higher Education Role Analysis of Teachers in a University System
This research study on higher education is based on three systematic samples—teachers, students and educational superiors. A thorough analysis on these basis has been done in order to enhance the role effectiveness of teachers so as to reduce the prevailing crisis in higher education.
Crisis in Higher Education Role Analysis of Teachers in a University System
This research study on higher education is based on three systematic samples—teachers, students and educational superiors. A thorough analysis on these basis has been done in order to enhance the role effectiveness of teachers so as to reduce the prevailing crisis in higher education.
Education and Challenges of Globalisation
This book comprehensively explores the challenges that globalisation poses to educators. Seven thought provoking topics have been judiciously selected and dealt with which are related to the subject. Challenges of globalisation education, Education : evolutionary concept, universities in globalisation, globalisation and higher education challenges, Education in globalising world, etc. have been discussed in exhaustive manner and lucid style
Education and Challenges of Globalisation
This book comprehensively explores the challenges that globalisation poses to educators. Seven thought provoking topics have been judiciously selected and dealt with which are related to the subject. Challenges of globalisation education, Education : evolutionary concept, universities in globalisation, globalisation and higher education challenges, Education in globalising world, etc. have been discussed in exhaustive manner and lucid style
Education and Development
During the past few years many changes are taking place in education system in India at all levels. People started demanding quality education Now, Education is to be need based and demand driven especially at the tertiary level of the higher education. The author being an educationist for about four decades was invited to give endowment lectures present papers in seminars and conference, on different issues relating to education and development. In this book entitled "Education and Development" she has traced the evolution of education some crucial issues in higher education and development. The book will be of Interest to the public as well as to the teacher educators and student teachers. Certain issues, especially relating to globalization of Education, Women's Development and their participation in Nation building and Gandhian Approaches to Peace Making might be of interest to the public.
Education and Development
During the past few years many changes are taking place in education system in India at all levels. People started demanding quality education Now, Education is to be need based and demand driven especially at the tertiary level of the higher education. The author being an educationist for about four decades was invited to give endowment lectures present papers in seminars and conference, on different issues relating to education and development. In this book entitled "Education and Development" she has traced the evolution of education some crucial issues in higher education and development. The book will be of Interest to the public as well as to the teacher educators and student teachers. Certain issues, especially relating to globalization of Education, Women's Development and their participation in Nation building and Gandhian Approaches to Peace Making might be of interest to the public.
Education and Globalisation
The effect of globalisation has driven tremendous changes within the education systems. Today, change is so rapid that the educational system has to keep itself abreast with the latest developments. The existing problems in education have lead to globalisation of the education sector that should be oriented into the transnational competence. The present work is comprehensive study on education in a globalisation context. It will be highly informative to students, teachers, educationists and educational administrators besides policy planners and teacher trainers.
Education and Globalisation
The effect of globalisation has driven tremendous changes within the education systems. Today, change is so rapid that the educational system has to keep itself abreast with the latest developments. The existing problems in education have lead to globalisation of the education sector that should be oriented into the transnational competence. The present work is comprehensive study on education in a globalisation context. It will be highly informative to students, teachers, educationists and educational administrators besides policy planners and teacher trainers.
Education Designing and Building Our Common Future
The book discusses education at large scale and its future in the information age of globalisation. Education in global perspective, distance learning, challenges of technical and vocational education have been critically studied and examined.
Education Designing and Building Our Common Future
The book discusses education at large scale and its future in the information age of globalisation. Education in global perspective, distance learning, challenges of technical and vocational education have been critically studied and examined.
Education in India
Educational status in India is constantly changing as per the needs and capabilities of the nation. This book explains how the educational process in India is marching ahead in different fields employing the services in different agencies.
Education in India
Educational status in India is constantly changing as per the needs and capabilities of the nation. This book explains how the educational process in India is marching ahead in different fields employing the services in different agencies.
Education in the 21St Century
In the present work the author elucidates how the education in the 21st century can act as an essential and unique vehicle of vibrant advancement of humanism. It discusses challenges in higher education : Reinventing right avenues, education and accreditation, motivation education, reviewing examinations, teacher education in details.
Education in the 21St Century
In the present work the author elucidates how the education in the 21st century can act as an essential and unique vehicle of vibrant advancement of humanism. It discusses challenges in higher education : Reinventing right avenues, education and accreditation, motivation education, reviewing examinations, teacher education in details.
Education: a Key to Development
Education and development are colinked perceptions. The work examines educational development worldwide, ICT influence on education, education in societal diversification, skill development in education, educational challenges in globalising world.
Education: a Key to Development
Education and development are colinked perceptions. The work examines educational development worldwide, ICT influence on education, education in societal diversification, skill development in education, educational challenges in globalising world.
Educational Opportunities in Abroad
Educational opportunities in abroad gives detailed information on higher education such as educational system,admission requirements,immigeration rules,visa procedure,scholarships,universities courses, expense,their Indian contacts etc. It contains addresses of universities in Argentina, Australia,Brazil, Canada,China,Czech Republic,Denmark,France,Germany,Greece,Hungry,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Jordan,Netherlands,New Zealand,Norway,Philippines,Poland,Spain,U.K. and U.S.A.
Educational Opportunities in Abroad
Educational opportunities in abroad gives detailed information on higher education such as educational system,admission requirements,immigeration rules,visa procedure,scholarships,universities courses, expense,their Indian contacts etc. It contains addresses of universities in Argentina, Australia,Brazil, Canada,China,Czech Republic,Denmark,France,Germany,Greece,Hungry,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Jordan,Netherlands,New Zealand,Norway,Philippines,Poland,Spain,U.K. and U.S.A.
Educational Planning (Hb)
The book discusses educational planning: its origin, developments and experiments in different phases right from ancient to modern times with concepts, paradigms, procedures and methods of planning.
Educational Planning (Hb)
The book discusses educational planning: its origin, developments and experiments in different phases right from ancient to modern times with concepts, paradigms, procedures and methods of planning.
Extension: Third Dimension of Education
The process of taking the new knowledge, concepts and skills from laboratories to the land or field is called extension. Thus, extension forms an integral part of education. This book “Extension—Third Dimension of Education” emphasizes on this aspect. The book deals with various concepts, processes, strategies and the evaluation procedures to be follwed in extension education. Hence, the book would be of great help to those who are already concertrating on extension such as teachers and students of Agricultural Colleges/Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Home Science College/Universities/Departments/Faculties, Departemnt of Rural Development, Adult and Continuing Education and Colleges of education. For those who have not yet thought of the extension work as part of their programme, it could be of a guide. This book will also help those who are involved in fieldwork.
Extension: Third Dimension of Education
The process of taking the new knowledge, concepts and skills from laboratories to the land or field is called extension. Thus, extension forms an integral part of education. This book “Extension—Third Dimension of Education” emphasizes on this aspect. The book deals with various concepts, processes, strategies and the evaluation procedures to be follwed in extension education. Hence, the book would be of great help to those who are already concertrating on extension such as teachers and students of Agricultural Colleges/Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Home Science College/Universities/Departments/Faculties, Departemnt of Rural Development, Adult and Continuing Education and Colleges of education. For those who have not yet thought of the extension work as part of their programme, it could be of a guide. This book will also help those who are involved in fieldwork.
Guidance and Counselling
This book includes systematic formulation of theories and practices helping in the process of guidance and conselling. It provides an authoritative account of conselling psychology and will be beneficial to psychologists, psychoanalysts, professional counsellors and students.
Guidance and Counselling
This book includes systematic formulation of theories and practices helping in the process of guidance and conselling. It provides an authoritative account of conselling psychology and will be beneficial to psychologists, psychoanalysts, professional counsellors and students.
Higher Education in a Globalising World
This book has considered the role of higher education in an increasingly interconnected world. Discusses modernization and higher education, higher education and human development, challenges of higher education, management of higher education etc.
Higher Education in a Globalising World
This book has considered the role of higher education in an increasingly interconnected world. Discusses modernization and higher education, higher education and human development, challenges of higher education, management of higher education etc.
Imbibing Value Education Various Perspectives
The various area of value education environment, health training in extension, women’s rights and empowerment have been discussed in depth to help extension workers and programme planners in these areas, more effectively. Very informative, useful and stimulating book, immensely significant to educational planners, administrators, teaching faculties in area of education, research and extension related to value education.
Imbibing Value Education Various Perspectives
The various area of value education environment, health training in extension, women’s rights and empowerment have been discussed in depth to help extension workers and programme planners in these areas, more effectively. Very informative, useful and stimulating book, immensely significant to educational planners, administrators, teaching faculties in area of education, research and extension related to value education.
Impact of Curriculum Reforms in Education
This book on education aims at bringing out the benefits of revising the curriculum suitably to suit the changing needs of society so that the learner may derive maximum benefit from the education he receives and in turn serve the society in a better way. Innovation in education is the need of the hour. Things have changed radically over the past few decades in this age of knowledge explosion curriculum has not. The work aims at discussing the subject of curriculum reforms with reference not only to India but whole of South Asia. In the process, countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal are discussed in this context and stress has been on adoption curricula in unison with other parts of the world. The impact of curriculum reform on society and its significance is brought out in this volume. The book will be of great utility not only to the teachers, students and academicians but to the education planners as well.
Impact of Curriculum Reforms in Education
This book on education aims at bringing out the benefits of revising the curriculum suitably to suit the changing needs of society so that the learner may derive maximum benefit from the education he receives and in turn serve the society in a better way. Innovation in education is the need of the hour. Things have changed radically over the past few decades in this age of knowledge explosion curriculum has not. The work aims at discussing the subject of curriculum reforms with reference not only to India but whole of South Asia. In the process, countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal are discussed in this context and stress has been on adoption curricula in unison with other parts of the world. The impact of curriculum reform on society and its significance is brought out in this volume. The book will be of great utility not only to the teachers, students and academicians but to the education planners as well.
Increasing Role of Technology in Education
The book provides deep insight into the need for increasing use of technology and the benefits accrued from it. It elaborately discusses teaching methods, role of information technology and computer teachers education, teaching aids, etc.
Increasing Role of Technology in Education
The book provides deep insight into the need for increasing use of technology and the benefits accrued from it. It elaborately discusses teaching methods, role of information technology and computer teachers education, teaching aids, etc.
Literacy & Non-Formal Education
The book provides an introduction to the concepts of literacy and nonformal education and explains in simple terms, the planning, management and monitoring of nonformal and adult education programmes of the local government. Several concepts are defined in simple language and their use developed within the activities.
Literacy & Non-Formal Education
The book provides an introduction to the concepts of literacy and nonformal education and explains in simple terms, the planning, management and monitoring of nonformal and adult education programmes of the local government. Several concepts are defined in simple language and their use developed within the activities.
Planning and Expenditure On Education
The book is an indepth study of Allocations and expenditure for education in the state of Karnataka, Southern States and in India, which includes all sectors of education i.e., Primary, Secondary, Higher/University, Technical and Special education from 1950. This study throws concrete light on the growth, fluctuations and prospects of expenditure and allocation in the state of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Pondichery, Kerala and also in India.
Planning and Expenditure On Education
The book is an indepth study of Allocations and expenditure for education in the state of Karnataka, Southern States and in India, which includes all sectors of education i.e., Primary, Secondary, Higher/University, Technical and Special education from 1950. This study throws concrete light on the growth, fluctuations and prospects of expenditure and allocation in the state of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Pondichery, Kerala and also in India.
Primary Education
All sound education should make pupils and students aware of the limitation of their knowledge and encourage a due sence of humility within the realms of learning whether they are leader of followers.
Primary Education
All sound education should make pupils and students aware of the limitation of their knowledge and encourage a due sence of humility within the realms of learning whether they are leader of followers.
Rural Education
The parts of the child’s development which are formally planned came to seem important to those who plan and administer the schools, while the parts which are left to informal contacts are overlooked as of small importance, or are forgotten. Yet they continue to be very important, perhaps more important than all the matter included in formal education. Rural education, like all education, should not limit itself to the processes of the schoolroom, but at every stage from primary school to university should insist that pupils and students shall learn also from the great traditions of common life. The present work contains valuable relevant matter on diverse aspects of rural education. Students, teachers, educationists and educational administrators besides policy planners and teachertrainers will find this book most useful and informative.
Rural Education
The parts of the child’s development which are formally planned came to seem important to those who plan and administer the schools, while the parts which are left to informal contacts are overlooked as of small importance, or are forgotten. Yet they continue to be very important, perhaps more important than all the matter included in formal education. Rural education, like all education, should not limit itself to the processes of the schoolroom, but at every stage from primary school to university should insist that pupils and students shall learn also from the great traditions of common life. The present work contains valuable relevant matter on diverse aspects of rural education. Students, teachers, educationists and educational administrators besides policy planners and teachertrainers will find this book most useful and informative.
Science Education
Various topics of discussion are—scope of science education, current trends in science education, science education development, teaching and learning, skills in science education, opportunities and constraints etc. A very informative book on the subject.
Science Education
Various topics of discussion are—scope of science education, current trends in science education, science education development, teaching and learning, skills in science education, opportunities and constraints etc. A very informative book on the subject.
Teaching and Technology For Human Development
Teaching and Technology for Human Development From illiteracy to ethical dimensions is the wide spectrum of technology in education. While technological advancement has raised the scope and potential of growth through education, but at another level this has created new hazards for its users. It is widely debated that human learning and machine aided knowledge are poles apart and the latter diminishes the enterprises. This book explodes many such myths and places the importance of technology in the right context.
Teaching and Technology For Human Development
Teaching and Technology for Human Development From illiteracy to ethical dimensions is the wide spectrum of technology in education. While technological advancement has raised the scope and potential of growth through education, but at another level this has created new hazards for its users. It is widely debated that human learning and machine aided knowledge are poles apart and the latter diminishes the enterprises. This book explodes many such myths and places the importance of technology in the right context.
Technology and Development of Distance Education
In recent years, educators have witnessed the rapid development of computer networks, dramatic improvements in the processing power of personal computers, and striking advances in magnetic storage technology. These developments have made the computer a dynamic force in distance education, providing a new and interactive means of overcoming time and distance to reach learners. This book presents the ways in which technology can enhance distance learning and calls on educators to take a leadership role in determining the ways in which technology is used to support educational goals.
Technology and Development of Distance Education
In recent years, educators have witnessed the rapid development of computer networks, dramatic improvements in the processing power of personal computers, and striking advances in magnetic storage technology. These developments have made the computer a dynamic force in distance education, providing a new and interactive means of overcoming time and distance to reach learners. This book presents the ways in which technology can enhance distance learning and calls on educators to take a leadership role in determining the ways in which technology is used to support educational goals.
Technology in the Preparation of Teacher
The information communication technologies have opened new avenues of information and education with additional dimension of interactivity. The new technologies can transform education to meet the needs of mass education as well as individualization of education. They enhance training of teachers, provide different models of learning and increases the pace of research. This book addresses the potential and role of technologies in contributing to improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching. It will be a valuable reference tool for all the concerned.
Technology in the Preparation of Teacher
The information communication technologies have opened new avenues of information and education with additional dimension of interactivity. The new technologies can transform education to meet the needs of mass education as well as individualization of education. They enhance training of teachers, provide different models of learning and increases the pace of research. This book addresses the potential and role of technologies in contributing to improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching. It will be a valuable reference tool for all the concerned.
Technology Integration in Education
This book presents effective research based strategies for integrating technology resources and technology based methods into everyday classroom practices. It is written from the teacher’s perspective making it ideal for computer users. The focus is not using technology for technology’s sake, but integrating technology into the classroom. A very balanced approach – technology is used to enhance education just by simply bringing it into your classroom. Designed to help teach both theoretical and practical characteristics of technology integration strategies.
Technology Integration in Education
This book presents effective research based strategies for integrating technology resources and technology based methods into everyday classroom practices. It is written from the teacher’s perspective making it ideal for computer users. The focus is not using technology for technology’s sake, but integrating technology into the classroom. A very balanced approach – technology is used to enhance education just by simply bringing it into your classroom. Designed to help teach both theoretical and practical characteristics of technology integration strategies.
Technology Use in Open Learning System
This book is very easy to read. The way it is presented makes it easy to follow – as a good reference for anybody who is developing multimedia systems and has a high level of commitment to quality. The book is full of useful examples, most of them from educational technology fields, on the development of multimedia technology for learning and training. It is a wonder work defining a common language for different terms, types, and processes, use in the development and interactive learning systems.
Technology Use in Open Learning System
This book is very easy to read. The way it is presented makes it easy to follow – as a good reference for anybody who is developing multimedia systems and has a high level of commitment to quality. The book is full of useful examples, most of them from educational technology fields, on the development of multimedia technology for learning and training. It is a wonder work defining a common language for different terms, types, and processes, use in the development and interactive learning systems.
The Future of Distance Learning
The beautiful treatise talks of distance education: its meaning, significance, its future, qualityobstacles and remedies. A step and step guide to distance education both conceptually and at the level of delivery.
The Future of Distance Learning
The beautiful treatise talks of distance education: its meaning, significance, its future, qualityobstacles and remedies. A step and step guide to distance education both conceptually and at the level of delivery.
The Modern Condition of Educational Thought
This study, first of its type, in a very off beat manner, is sure to be a valuable addition to books on education and related spheres. This book is highly recommendable to all teachers, educationists and other concerned.
The Modern Condition of Educational Thought
This study, first of its type, in a very off beat manner, is sure to be a valuable addition to books on education and related spheres. This book is highly recommendable to all teachers, educationists and other concerned.
Trends in Higher Education
Higher education is a complex package of issues which never seems to leave the limelight. The primary wedged issues are tuition cost, access, accountability, financial aid, government funding, sports and their place within higher education, academic results, societal gains as a whole in terms of international competition, and continuing education. This book examines new directions in this everchanging, vital and controversial field which has a profound effect on society. It also examines the issues in higher education that are of contemporary and practical concern to leader, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. The most comprehensive reference tool available in the field of higher education.
Trends in Higher Education
Higher education is a complex package of issues which never seems to leave the limelight. The primary wedged issues are tuition cost, access, accountability, financial aid, government funding, sports and their place within higher education, academic results, societal gains as a whole in terms of international competition, and continuing education. This book examines new directions in this everchanging, vital and controversial field which has a profound effect on society. It also examines the issues in higher education that are of contemporary and practical concern to leader, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. The most comprehensive reference tool available in the field of higher education.
Virtual Education and Educational Futures
Virtual learning environments represent an entirely new form of educational technology. Virtual education allows users to learn information from any location that has internet access. It offers numerous benefits to individuals, organizations and even to the society in general. Virtual learning environments, virtual classrooms, learning without boundaries, interactive online learning, information technology in virtual education, virtual education in world countries are some important topics discussed.
Virtual Education and Educational Futures
Virtual learning environments represent an entirely new form of educational technology. Virtual education allows users to learn information from any location that has internet access. It offers numerous benefits to individuals, organizations and even to the society in general. Virtual learning environments, virtual classrooms, learning without boundaries, interactive online learning, information technology in virtual education, virtual education in world countries are some important topics discussed.